User Behaviour Analysis in Immersive Systems
One of the major challenges for the next decade is to design virtual and augmented reality systems (virtual reality systems at large) for real-world use cases such as healthcare, entertainment and, e-education. In these novel applications, the user becomes an active consumer that interacts with the content in a fully immersive environment. This interactivity however can push the limits of both connectivity and computation. To avoid this, VR interactive systems will need to operate at scale in a personalized manner, remaining bandwidth-tolerant whilst meeting quality and latency criteria. This can be accomplished only by a fundamental revolution of the coding/streaming/rendering chain that has to put the interactive user at the heart rather than at the end of the chain – as is the case of the classical non-interactive streaming systems. One major limitation is the lack of understanding of users’ behaviour in a VR experience. Thus, we are interested in quantifying similarities not only among different users but also for the same viewer across contents. We strongly believe these investigations can bring key information to the understanding of any hidden patterns of immersive user navigation.
S. Rossi “Understanding user interactivity for the next-generation immersive communication: design, optimisation, and behavioural analysis” Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London), 2022.
📕 10143615/
S. Rossi, I. Viola, L. Toni, and P. Cesar, "Extending 3-DoF Metrics to Model User Behaviour Similarity in 6-DoF Immersive Applications". In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys), 2023.
S. Rossi, C. Ozcinar, A. Smolic, and L. Toni “Do Users Behave Similarly in VR? Investigation of the User Influence on the System Design” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2020.
📕 10.1145/3381846
S. Rossi, F. De Simone and L. Toni, "Spherical clustering of users navigating in 360° content", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton (UK), 2019.